
Friday, September 4, 2020

 I woke up in a den there was my brothers and my mum. we were Siberian tigers. my brothers were called snowy and tank. I was called lightning. We lived in the snow. mum went hunting while we were play fighting mum came back with some food and a tiger cub. chapter 2. 1 week later i was left in the den with my brothers and the cub. when mum was gone... SOME JACKALS CAME!!! it was a messy fight all of us were bleeding we fended of the jackals. mum came and saw the blood everywhere she asked what happened we told the truth. chapter 3. she gasped. there was silence for a second then she said we could hunt with her. the end 

Friday, August 7, 2020

For sale: Tiny Wizard House

This is a house system it costs $100 000 Minecoins to buy it forever but to rent it every week you must pay $600.

It has a levitating tree with cakes on top and a secret thing in each house.  The cobblestone house has a kitchen, a bedroom, a tower, a shed, a science lab and a secret room. 

The plank house has a cake room, a bedroom, a sleepover room, a science lab and a secret passage. The tall house has a secret bedroom a connection to the secret passage.  It has a bedroom, a empty room and a balcony. There's a path between a house.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Apirana Ngta

Apirana Ngata stood up for the Maori. by saying they had the the same rights as the English people and encouraged the Maori to stand up for themselves. And he was so smart he went into the government and stopped the moari language from dying out. he may not be here now but thanks Apirana Ngata. we will remember you forever.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Apirana Ngata inspires me because he stood up for the moari after the new Zealand wars and said that the moari deserve the right to vote and other stuff.

Monday, June 15, 2020

My 4th pattern

THIS IS MY 4TH PATTERN :o. It is very long it took 3 minutes to build.

Friday, June 5, 2020

                                                       MY NAME IS GEORGE 

I like chocolate
I have a dog
My favorite drink is ginger beer
My favorite food is pasta
I love Lego
Last night I got a big Lego set
My birthday is in summer
My favorite video games are Roblox and Minecraft

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

This is my 3rd pattern :D it goes orange wood blue.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Facts about captain underpants

  1. George and Harold made captain underpants in the movie
  2. Dave pilkey really created captain underpants in the movie
  3. Dave pilkey really created captain underpants when he was a child he drew a superhero in underwear he named it captain underpants
  4. Captain underpants does not like brushing his teeth
  5. When he shows up he goes tra-la-laaaaaaaaa
  6. captain underpants is really m.r krupp when he hears a snap he turns in captain underpants
  7. a bit of the intro is this. put it it all together what could possibly go wrong now this is the end of the captain underpants song! by George beard and Harold hutchins

Monday, May 25, 2020

This is my school pattern project. I made this for my teachers to see. The pattern took some time planing. It took about a minute to plan but 3 minutes to build. because I had to find an resource box with the same resource.